A change to iNaturalist fonts

Does anyone know how to fix this?

It seems to be a Safari-only bug. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a fix a user can do right now until iNatā€™s able to make a fix on its end unless you use another browser.

Ok, thanks!

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This as been fixed.

We made some chages to bold text, I think itā€™s looking much better. Let us know if you see any issues.

This should be fixed as well, I added a comment to the bug report.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!


Sooo I would have prefered that, because it is much easier to read.

The font change to me, is a backward move because the characters are more rounded and less differentiated. This makes it more difficult to read as ND person. Comic sans is well known to also be much more dyslexic friendly.

There are open source dyslexic friendly fonts. I think any font change should be to one of those, honestly.

Open Sans is not too bad, if open dyslexic or comic sans look too ā€œunscientificā€. And definitely in my opinion better than the selected on, and usually ranking in top 10 for dyslexic friendly computer fonts.


Interesting font (Open Dyslexic) but one I find hard to read. I guess thereā€™s no perfect solution for everyone.


Fair, but there is definitely better than what was picked as far as on screen readability. I mean, the ā€œaā€ completely changed from how it appears here on the forum, to an open without extra top line ā€œaā€, which that alone makes readability much harder as it blends as another ā€œround characterā€ without much definition that makes it stand out as a letter.


I do like the change, a lot, but I canā€™t help but feel that the character spacing is a bit more cramped than it was with the old font. It feels a bit more condensed. Relax it just a little and itā€™d be perfect.

@tiwane any chance this can be adjusted on the developerā€™s end or will the translations need to be shortened?

I suspect my problem is a similar problem to the one @sedgequeen mentioned ā€“ I am using iNat on a relatively small screen and the new font apparently takes up just a smidgeon more space that is enough to push things onto a new line on the home page and a few other places.

Iā€™ve changed the font zoom to 90% but of course if there is a way the spacing could be tightened up just a tiny bit, that would be ideal for me.


Itā€™s so cool how different brains like different fonts. I am also ND but not dyslexic and I find the dyslexic font very hard to read, the capital D and O look the same as Iā€™m reading and I keep stumbling over them and having to restart.

I love the ā€œbionic font generatorā€ though, where it bolds the first few letters of each word. But I know of others who find these fonts annoying.



I agree this is looking much better to me! One potentially related thing Iā€™ve noticed, and this is really picky, is that now the numbers donā€™t seem to be vertically centered on IDer profile stats in relation to the grey ovals:

They look just slightly shifted up vertically in the ovals (screenshot from Chrome), though enough to trigger my brain telling me something is off.


To me it seems like the font size is slightly larger than it used to be, which is a little annoying. Not a huge deal though.


Proper centering only kicks in if you have 6 digit numbers for those, as a subtle incentive for sharp-eyed people to contribute more. Better get to work!

No youā€™re right, itā€™s tiny but Iā€™m seeing in Firefox as well. Iā€™ll add it to a list of fixes to be done, along with the Dashboard problem with German.


I agree that the ā€œaā€ is somewhat harder to distinguish now from some distance from the screen.

Also, I would prefer if the change were consistent in the taxonomy. Reading a Genus or Species name and then a phylum or order in another font is a little weird.


Your complaint about text alignment seems justified.


I guess my brain has already adapted to the changes because I donā€™t even notice the revisions or small misalignments.


Heads up: as I donā€™t think the formatting issue will be addressed by the developers, I changed the translation from ā€˜Beobachtung bearbeitenā€™ to ā€˜bearbeitenā€™. Now it is in one line again and although I am not too happy with the change in translation, I prefer this over the skewed formatting


I noticed, thanks!

It is admittedly a rather niche problem (and I donā€™t know if it affected people with wider screens), but itā€™s nice to have everything back on one line.


The type of ā€˜aā€™ displayed on a page varies based on whether the text is in italics or standard text. Some days I donā€™t notice it and others it jumps out at me. Guess that means Iā€™m still getting used to it.


This has been a problem since the font change but it doesnā€™t really mind me much. There doesnā€™t seem to be enough space on the top bar to fit everything, so part of the notification number and my profile photo jut out. This causes a small white bar on the right that is constantly there.

I do understand that the website isnā€™t really designed for mobile devices, and that issues like this will undoubtedly happen, but I would like to point this out just in case someone else cares more