iNaturalist Updates for April and May 2024

Sorry for skipping last month, here’s a list of iNat updates for April and May 2024. Thanks for helping to track these, forum moderators!



  • Technical updates related to place geometry validation, taxon change processing, email validation, and users indexing
  • Various bug fixes and minor changes


View all release notes

  • Released version 1.30.15 (608), which replaced the Whitney font and incorporated new translations


  • Released version 3.3.3, which fixed a bug when formatting images for computer vision.


  • Released April challenge
  • Released May challenge
  • Removed Whitney font

iNat Blog

For even more bug fixes and updates, check out iNaturalist on github and see previous monthly updates.


Excited to see progress on the new app! :eyes:


Is it ok to use the new app by downloading apk from github and manually install it?)
I try to use it for some month and last week I use it actively in my trip. I’ve failed to create new observation, but it was nice to have offline AI suggetions and even more nice to explore observations around my location. Much better than native or web ones.

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Yes, we can’t stop you from downloading it.

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Welcome to Senna weddelliana in the CV model!

Thanks to alfredo_f_fuentes, who made the first identifications 3 months ago, the identification of this species was “unlocked”. Using a “similar observation set” field that grouped most observations, it was then possible to ID them all in a very short time, allowing this species to be selected for the CV model.


@kildor Do you recommend to try it?

And what’s about submitting a bug reports?

Well, I think yes. At least discovery is made much better than in current android app. Also it doesn’t hang on start. There are many missed parts currently, but also many implemented features.

At this point we’re focusing on iOS development, so I wouldn’t recommend submitting bug reports at this time if you’re an Android user.

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Got it. Will wait till Android turn.
Good luck in development.