A Life Tree to Discover

Platform(s): mobile, website

URLs: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=lifemap&c=apps , https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&view=species

Description of need:
It would be a great improvement in the app and website if you could add a life tree like “LifeMap” app. This way you can discover new species while navigating in the map.

Feature request details:
It would transform the way we search in iNaturalist, with a menu option to choose the Life Tree and start looking there for new species. It should add a search box and below, the map. When click on a species name you can see photos of its different stadiums and if you click on “more information” you can view the page of the registered species.


Love the idea. Also if the user can see their ‘Life List’ in the form of the Tree of Life that would be pretty neat.


Also think this is a cool idea. It wouldn’t require any new data as all the relationships are already stored in iNat’s taxonomy (albiet iNat’s taxonomy does not follow the scientific literature for some major groups such as red algae being a plant and all the issues with protozoans), it would just be a new way of presenting the data. It could also display photos at each node since that data also already exists within iNat.

I would LOVE that! A long time ago before I found iNat, I tried to make an Excel file of all living things using Wikipedia (because the taxon pages all have interconnected links)… I got all the way down to sub-order! I kept burning out and getting annoyed with the messiness of certain debated taxons schemes or with contradictory wiki pages; I haven’t worked on it in a while. I would want them to keep their present taxa setup that prioritized efficiency over accuracy just so that it would be easier to navigate.

I would really, really like it if it had a “print” button.
I don’t know that I would want pictures though, it can get messy.