About the functionality of Chilokey (and some similar databases)

A short prologue:
Recently, I had the opportunity to examine a number of Geophilomorpha specimens from around Greece, so as to put a proper name on them (most of them belong to another user and friend, savvaszafeiriou, but there are also some that I have collected by myself over the years). In order to do this, and having in mind the relatively large number of species that have been recorded in the country until now (c. 40), I tried to find as many references as I could, so as to start identifying my specimens. After some time, I stumbled upon a paper which presented Chilokey, the first ‘‘interactive identification tool for the geophilomorph centipedes of Europe’’. I immediately used one of the two links that are provided in the paper and, after a bit of practise and learning of the anatomical terms, I managed to quickly (and probably safely) identify a bunch of my specimens!

The ‘‘problem’’:
As I mentioned above, the paper contains two links for the key: The first one leads to what is stated as ‘‘a code version for installation on external servers’’ (practically what I call ‘‘demo version’’), where a lot of the tabs/tools are malfunctioning or not working at all (e.g., the species accounts and ‘‘morphologicl terms’’ tabs are blank squares and many of the options of the numbered characters used for narrowing down possible species can’t be properly selected/shown, until the previous or next option is also selected). The second link leads to the final or near-final version of Chilokey, where all those tabs/tools (except for the photos of the characters next to the options) work perfectly and is the version which I used to make my identifications. However, this link suddenly stopped working ca. 20 days ago (see for yourself), without warning and hasn’t been fixed yet. Having said those, we can move to the final part of my topic

The question:
Has anyone else here used Chilokey (preferably recently) or knows/hypothesizes what may have happened to its final version? Has it moved to another domain or been terminated for x-y reasons (e.g., lack of recent funding)? I have to mention that it also seems not to be just a problem of Chilokey, but of the whole site that hosts it (http://www.interactive-keys.eu/), as some other similar interactive keys hosted there are currently down (e.g., Bumblekey). Interestingly, almost simultaneously with Chilokey, Fauna-europaea experienced malfunctions and a shut down too, but it became fully operational again after about a week. So, I wonder if those two sites are somehow related/cohosted? Finally, I have to point out that I will try and come in contact with one or more of the creators/curators of Chilokey at some point, if the site doesn’t return to its functional state, to see if they can help in any way.

Is it gone?

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