Add ability to download an individual image

As someone who makes most of their observations with a dslr camera I would really really love the ability to download an image from my iNat observations to my phone. The way I imagine this would work is that in the image viewing interface (where it tells you the license and shows you a single image) there would either be a download button or you could press and hold on the image to get a contextual menu for downloading it. This might be limited to your own images, or only images with a CC license. Just an idea. Thanks for making such a great app!




not sure about Next, but in the current Android app, you can click the URL of an observation to view it in your browser. from there, you can download whatever you want to download.

i would never download my own images from the app myself, but i not against such an option in the app. i would not add an option to download other people’s images though.


This functionality is on the new app, too, at the bottom of the “Details” tab


is the numeric ID expressed as a number with commas as thousands separators? boo. thousands separators seem like something nobody asked for.


I’m surprised they didn’t add a download photo option since they added a way to sort by photo license on the explore page.

Nice that there’s a link to view in browser so you can get to it that way, but direct download would certainly streamline it.

Comma separators appearing in the observation ID was just a bug. I found it has already been fixed in the code (thanks @kueda), and we’ll all see it fixed in the next update.