Add subspecies to Compare/Suggestions tool

Can we please have the option to use the identotron/suggestions to subspecies level when subspecies exist.

This would be helpful in the cases where the subsp have very different ranges etc. These screenshot mockups are what I imagine you wanted it to look like.


I have accidentally found a workaround for a simple version meanwhile.

Write the species in the compare tool
Mouseover the species and the subspecies show up in a list.

Try it here
This will be capensis capensis - on the Peninsula with lots of large dots
as @beetledude was explaining yesterday

(I would add a screenshot, but can’t find the instructions)

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I cannot follow this. Please explain further. I cannot get anything useful out of this.

To add a screenshot click Fn-F11 and then paste it in this box

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Like so. Click on the taxon name in the box where the cursor is sitting

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To see the subspecies with its distribution scroll down to the taxonomies and click in turn on each of the subspecies to see images and distribution. Usually one can guess as to which is the correct one. This is better to have a dedicated or direct option.

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@DianaStuder - no need to go to the compare tool: you can do this in the ID box on the observation.
But it is not really useful in the compare tool.
And having to open each subspecies separately (by pressing View), or having to open the species page (taxonomies) and open each subspecies separately, defeats the entire purpose of the compare tool.

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I have been unable to duplicate Diana’s work-around - I use windows - maybe on apple a cursor appears? Also there are 3 suggestions now - some years later. However I have added my vote - and will canvas the outramps for more votes!

I am also on Windows and Chrome - but, 2 years later, I open the various ssp in new tabs. Would be easier if we could compare distribution maps within the same tab.

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I have been stuck - find the protocols within this forum tie me up in knots - 5 minutes to get to type a reply plus an hour to find my way through the earlier discussions. Gave up last time around. This one line box to work in is a pain - sigh.
Tony and Diana - how do we proceed to re-juvenate this topic?
By now a fair number of our (southern Africa) regular ID’ers are familiar with the hassles we have with subspecies - I gather the Insects and (for me) the Trees many if not most? species with subspecies that are cumbersome to view and compare at present - ‘our’ Wild Olive that I encountered yesterday covering the problem to the next level, so to speak.
Diana, you indicate ‘Follow the template’ - not a clue and so I go and do id’s or upload - tired of learning new tricks atm.

Comparison between ranges of the two cattle egret species

To use observations/compare, you will need to enter the IDs of the taxa, as the tool doesn’t support searching for them.

On the website? You can pull / stretch to make the box bigger.

Template here

You would need to consider, exactly what you want iNat to do differently. How you want it to appear on the screen. Back in 2019 it could be a simple question / suggestion.