Add URL Scheme for faster app access

Just tried iNature Seek yesterday and loved it. I’d like to keep it at the ready on my iPhone using Launch Center Pro, but that requires a URL Scheme. Does this app have one, or have you considered adding one? I realize not all users would find this useful, but I expect it would be a relatively minor addition, and could make this app far more accessible for those of us who customize our iphone interface for faster access.

welcome to the Forum!

Hope it will be added fro your and others’ use. Btw, as I assume you’re not a minor, you may like tryng iNaturlist app and website too.

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BTW, you can upvote your own suggestions.

Seek does not have a URL Scheme.

If you hold down the Seek icon for a second you can access the camera from there:

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I didn’t even realize there were two separate apps. I’ll check it out. Thanks!

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We’re not going to move forward with this, and there’s a pretty good alternative, so I’m going to close this thread.