An infinite amount of unidentifiable sexes

Platform: Website

Browser: Chrome

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem: Unidentifiable sex annotations stack as I change between observations. I don’t know what triggers this. It happens with some users’ annotations, but not with others’. If I search for those users’ annotations, it doesn’t work though.

Step 1:

Step 2: Look through observations

Step 3: Profit

I just wanted to find some kind of scat, not play god!


Maybe posting a link to the search would be better? The screenshots being in Hungarian do not make recreating this … easy :)

It’s time to learn a new language that you’ll never use again

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I don’t have screen shots (in any language), but I have seen a similar thing on rare occasions with Alive or Dead - “Cannot be determined” being listed several times on each observation when viewing through “Identify”. It is like that setting gets stuck and shows up once then twice then 3 times as I advance through observations. I haven’t taken evidence to make a bug report, and I have no idea if there was any common factor the times it has happened. Closing Identify and doing something else re-sets things.

I’ve seen something like that at times. Quite annoying. I never knew why it happened. I had to close out and go back in to get rid of it. Fortunately, it hasn’t happened to me recently.

That would take too long

I tried to do a little testing with the link in the OP. If I throttle my connection to something like 3G speeds and cycle through the obserations pretty quickly, I can sometimes “collect” some of the Alive/Dead annotations. I suspect that it has something to do with loading times and not everything being completely refreshed sometimes when you’re going through observations.

Maybe its just that iNaturalist’s annotations are catching up with gender diversity. If we’re not all binary, it makes sense that other organisms might not be either.

What I am getting at is that explanations like

only explain part of the problem. It might explain why there are so many, but doesn’t explain why they are unidentifiable.