Android: Deleting the last photo of a set of 3 removes also the already confirmed crop of first photos

Deleting the last photo of a set of 3 removes also the already confirmed crop of first photos
Deleting a photo of a set removes also the already confirmed edits on other photos of the set photos

Platform :Android

App version number: 1:23:11 ( 500 )

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:
If I crop all three photos I get three cropped photo’s:

If I crop the first two photo’s and delete the last one I get two uncropped photo’s:

Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

Step 1: Import three photo’s the last one is not sharp

Step 2: Crop the first two photo’s and confirm

Step 3: Delete the last one, cause it is a bad one.

Step 4: Save and upload the observation

The observation does not contain two cropped photo’s, what I expected, but two uncropped photos.


Same experience here, removing a picture deletes the edits on the others

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Confirm the photo’s and return to delete the incorrect photo you keep the edits :-)

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Filed bug report here: