Android: Workflow Crop photo and make first make you lose the cropped photo

Platform: Android

App version number: 1.28.10 (563)

Description of problem:

Step 1: Add two photo’s to a new observation, crop the second photo make the second photo first.

Step 2: Upload the observation.

Step 3: The first photo lost its crop, the original photo is displayed.
(I mean, both photos are uploaded, but without the crop).


I also get this bug, thanks for reporting @optilete .

I’m on Android 12, iNat v1.28.10 (563)

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Which version, @optiliete?

I have also had this bug on Android for quite some time, but never got around to reporting it. Just learned to avoid it. Happened recently though after cropping 3 or 4 images on Android iNat v 1.28.6 (259).

In a related issue, if you are going through multiple uploaded images and delete one of them, it throws you back out to the observation details screen, rather than skipping to the next/prev image. I sometimes load several images into the app that need to be cropped before I can decide which ones to keep.


Same appversion here: iNat v1.28.10 (563). I forgot to add. I cannot update my app, so most recent regular version.

Same here, but when I add 3 photos to a new observation, crop all photo’s and throw 1 away, the crop stays and does not get lost.


Cropping sometimes does strange things to the pictures involved. I have the same and similar issues as stated above, all related to cropping on the Android app.

For me, usually one or all crops revert back to the original dimensions.

I too forgot to report this as a bug. I will do it when I experience it again.


Not solved in 1.28.20 (573)

I had it happen often again, last time yesterday.

I add multiple photos. I crop the photos. I select one photo to make it the first. All crops reset.

I now take this into account and upload the observation first after cropping. Then I edit it again and change a photo to be the first.

1.28.20 (573)

2 Likes for extended description (includes other edits like brightness)

Found out that a year ago I had the same bug, but then related to deleting one photo from a serie photos…

Release candidate with fix:

Closing this to focus conversation here: