I did a brief search before posting this, and did not immediately find anything.
I was curious if the development team plans to bring over the same functionality to iPhone as the app enjoys on Android?
I find the search function on iPhone relatively useless, unfortunately. And the ability to add/edit post annotations is nil.
I’ve been on iNat a while, my first time in the forums, so with that said: I truly appreciate all that the iNat team does; it’s brought me a world of joy and wonder over the years. Thank you.
Does anyone else just use their iPhone to access the web page for iNat and interact with the site that way? I only use the iOS app on my phone to get my phone pics uploaded but otherwise if I want to search the site or do IDs I just access the website.
screen’s too small for me–can’t see anything and using the touchscreen the navigate is messy for me if I try to use the browswer to access the website. On the ipad that’s what I do though
I’ve just gotten internet and it’s easier for me to upload by iPhone. That’s what I know how to do. I can post from where I am, whatever else I’m doing, too. I suppose that might change when the update gets here.
I have found the website wonderful, but it’s a bigger rabbit hole.