Annotations Filter for Traditional Projects?

Is is possible to add a project rule to include only observations where Alive or Dead is selected as Alive?

That article doesn’t appear to answer my question. I should have added that it’s a traditional project I’m asking about.

Also, I’m confused with how to select taxa to allow in the project. I set a project up to include several orders, families, etc. (not species level). If I try to add an observation to the list, I get an error: “Failed to add to project * Didn’t pass rule: must be on list”.

On the hunch that this rule needed to be species level, I added another taxon that was at the species level this time. I was able to add an observation of that species.

Confusingly, if I use the curator tool to find observations that were not appropriate, it did find observations that were not in my higher level taxa. After I removed those observations, it didn’t find anything, not because the project was empty. It was not. It was because there were no observations that weren’t in the taxa I listed. So then why can’t I add new observations that are in those higher taxa? Is that a bug?

I moved these posts to a new topic to keep the original feature request on topic.

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