Anyone have any animal puns?

Why can’t you buy head-ache tablets in the jungle?
Parrots ate 'em all.

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My son used to swallow coins pretty regularly when he was a child.

I’ve definitely seen some change in him.


Now I wonder why the same word has two different meanings…


Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana

A favorite joke of a late friend of mine (who was an excellent naturalist). He’d often just proclaim “time flies like a banana” when he was running late. You had to know the joke.


That’s sort of like the “What has four wheels and flies” one.

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It’s frogtime or toadtime? (see thread What is your Favorite Lifer from this week?
What did the frog/toad look like?

Frog pun from Punpedia:

“My frogetfulness is the reason I was fired.”

Toad pun from Toad Puns:

I have no real opinion on frogs or toads.

I’m amphibalent.

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Q.What do you call a dragonfly that is gone nuts??
A. odonut (odonata is the taxon for dragonflies and damselflies. also,odonut is my iNat username lol)


What do you call an addicted naturalist?

An iNutter


Which is the stinkiest bird on earth?

The Bus-turd (Bustard)


After observing the most beautiful grasshopper that I have ever seen in my entire life ( I decided to celebrate them with this:

Why are the grasshoppers all cultists?
Because they’re in sects.



Good one!

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What’s the most fragile insect on earth?

A paper wasp


Which ant copies lizards?

Droptail ants (genus Myrmicaria)

If you don’t get it, Lizards drop their tails when afraid.

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What’s the squirmiest fruit?


I hate this. Ha ha

Which animal just made a trip to the opticians?

The spectacled bear.

What is the cheapest, easiest way to get rid of annoying flies?

Just hire a Housefly catcher. They’ll come and deal with them free of charge.


Which insect carries a magic arrow?

The Cupid

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What do you call an animal you keep in your car?
Answer : A Carpet


Where do shellfish go to borrow money? Answer: The prawn broker.

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What did the bird watcher say when she mistook a hawk for an eagle? Answer: Well, this is hawkward


Why is the South Polar continent called Antarctica?

Because the climate is un-bear-able.

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1.What did the seal say when his friend told him a joke? Answer: That’s the sealiest thing I’ve ever heard!
2.What do you mean I’m not a bear? I have all of the koalafications!
3.What did the Buffalo say to his son when he went off to college? Answer: Bison


A priest, a pastor and a rabbit entered a clinic to donate blood.
The nurse asked the rabbit “what is your blood type?”
The rabbit replied “I’m probably a type-o”.

I returned my lizard to the pet store today as it wouldn’t stop telling me jokes.
The store clerk said “that isn’t a lizard, it is a stand up chameleon.”

Q: Why did the team of witches always lose their cricket matches?
A: Their bats kept flying away.

​Q: Why didn’t the leopard enjoy playing hide and seek?
A: Because he was spotted all the time.

​Q: How do you count cows?
A: With a cowculator.


@karthikeyaeco HA HA HA :rofl: AWESOME!!!

Did you write them?

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