App hangs on the observation submission page, when viewing my observation photos full-screen, and swiping left past the last photo

Platform: iOS

App version number: 2.8.7

Description of problem:

Step 1: Tap ‘observe’

Step 2: Upload at least one photo

Step 3: Tap photo to open it full-screen

Step 4: Swipe left until you reach the rightmost photo.

Step 5: Swipe left again. App is now on the camera pane and hangs there with no functionality.

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welcome to the forum! Sorry you’re having trouble. hopefully someone will be along soon to help out.

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This is a known bug, and will be addressed once the (now rewritten but still being tested internally) iOS app is stable. I do apologize for it.

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No problem! Just wanted to let folks know. Thanks for all your work!


This has been fixed in version 3.2.2, which was just released.

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