iPhone app freezes if you look at a pic then swipe it away during the creation of an observation or while suggesting an ID to an ob

Platform: iOS 14.4.2

App version number, across at least the last couple versions. now it’s 3.2 build 636

Description of problem If you create an observation, add photos, click a photo for a better look, then swipe it away the observation disappears and the app freezes slightly greyed over. This has been happening for a while so I assumed it was a known error and I’ve been expecting it to get fixed in the last few updates.

Step 1: Click Observe in the iOS app

Step 2: Add image

Step 3: Click image to see fullsize

Step 4: Swipe it away and it goes to this screen and freezes. This does not happen if you click Done.


I can attest to this


I’m having similar issues with the Android app. I’ve already sent a few emails to help@inaturalist.org.

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@brnhn I have also having same issue on my android mobile. I also send many mail about this error. Is anybody know how i can make this better. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is a known bug for iOS. Can you confirm that this only happens with observations that haven’t been synced yet, i.e. before they are uploaded?

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Yes, I forgot to mention this same bug happens if you swipe away an image when trying to add an ID to any synced/existing observation.

Step 1 - Click Suggest ID on any observation

Step 2 - Click the circled (i) for some suggestion

Step 3 - Click the main image for a better look

Step 4 - Swipe it away and it will take you back to the Add Identification screen again but this time it’s greyed out, frozen, and the app is unusable.

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I just got the same bug from the Edit view of an existing observation, also when looking at an image and swiping it away.

Step 1 - Click Edit on any observation

Step 2 - Click the image

Step 3 - Swipe it away and it will take you back to the Observation again but this time it’s greyed out, frozen, and the app is unusable.

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Thanks! It’s helpful to know that the same thing happens in all of those states.

@brennafarrell what you described in your email to help@inat is pretty different and not technically a bug, I think. It’s a way to swipe to another observation, although I agree it’s not well implemented. Let’s keep this bug report to the iOS bug.

It seemed like a similar bug, which is why I added a comment.

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It’s all good. :-) I just replied to your email, sorry for the delay.

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This has been fixed in version 3.2.2, which was just released.

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