"Best" photos you've uploaded on iNat

I’m not much of a photographer normally, but this moth photo I took several years ago was accidentally very artistic:


Two mallards, chilling in a cold river:

Alternatively, this Small Skipper - I like the way the photo came out, but also because to tell it apart from the Essex Skipper you need to see the antennae from the front… exactly like this.

(Also not sure why this is a reply to that nice moth – sorry!)


it’s this one https://www.amazon.com/Angler-PSFD-100-Portable-Speedlight-Diffuser/dp/B005ZSJCTC/ref=asc_df_B005ZSJCTC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=564629914542&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6605861262464215478&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1014445&hvtargid=pla-1647668444560&psc=1

its not perfect at eliminating lens shadow, I have to crank the ISO up and at certain angles it is still too dark, but it’s not just a black zone

For best shadow reduction the diffuser should be placed near the end of the lens, so it’s not going to work well in tight spaces or tall grass

Its also good for the flash to be elevated above the lens, My camera’s stock flash is rather elevated (Canon EOS Rebel T7), but I don’t know if this would work on all cameras

I really like it, I just took this with it today https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/184182075
This was at max zoom and would have been black without the diffuser


Of course I couldn’t decide, so I kind of included too many:
Brown watersnake (courtesy of my pond):

Cool Jewel bug:

Florida Scarletsnake:

Greenbottle fly:

Spotless Lady Beetle:

Green Anole:

Magnolia Green Jumper:

I’ve been working on getting my photos to look a little better when I have the right opportunity and so far I’m pretty happy with myself.


Very nice. Excellent lighting, well-framed.

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Hardest part of this is that I’m always trying to get better at photography. With that said…

This flicker…

This sapsucker…

… Or this iguana.


I think this is probably my best photo, a female Zanate:

but this was my best series of photos in terms of storytelling. And I learned quite a lot watching. (I usually do; most of my knowledge is experiential and what others have kindly shared.)


This one of a robber fly. It is a bit of a cheat because I am holding its legs, but it surprisingly stayed still while I did a hand held focus stacking with my TG6. Of course, the primary purpose of the photo was to get as much detail as possible, it just turned out good by accident.


very nice photos :star_struck:

this one’s amazing !

fantastic shots!

This one: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/165684511.

I took it with a 20-y-o film SLR camera and manual settings (except shutter speed), it ends up being one my favourite picture taken.


:star_struck::+1:Very nice

The last few months I’ve been borrowing a camera from my father in law and really trying to get better with my wildlife photography.





The last one I took with a 10$ macrolens on my phone



Ordered - thank you!!

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Need I say more?
(taken on an old iPhone 6)


This photo of a Spider (genus Thanatus) that had just attacked a dragonfly (Cherry-faced Meadowhawk) is probably my favourite iNat submission. One of the neatest nature interactions I have witnessed.

Genus Thanatus from Yukon, Yukon, Canada on August 05, 2022 at 01:40 PM by Avery Bartels · iNaturalist Canada


My favourite ones are probably these:

tbh, this was completely accidental, but I really love how it turned out.

The drama! It reminded me of those Renaissance/Baroque paintings.

However, I really only go out with the goal to get species pics, whether its bad or not, but occasionally, I do get “happy accidents” like the bumblebee. :)

Some of my other favourite ones tend to be the ones with the detail quite magnified. Like you can zoom in and see the individual barbs of the feathers…

However recently, I’ve been more interested in taking more artistic photos, mainly of the more common species. On of my favourite things to do right now is to do portraits of birds where I can get close enough to them.

It’s like with people portraits. You get to make out all the details of the face and that really allows you to individualize the animals more. Like you know them on an almost personal level…

Other honerable mentions:

I always love how grumpy woodlice look. :)

The iridescence of the feathers while the yellow pops right out against the mellow colours…

Charming sparrows all on their own seat on the fence :)

Christmas card vibes from this one. Just add a blue filter over it.

And as per usual, the robins are extremely photogenic.




Well, I’m not claiming these are great pics, but they make me smile–butterflies always do.