There are a lot of woods where I live, and I would love to walk through them where it’s allowed to make observations, but I am aware that there are also lots of snakes in the area.
I was wondering if there were any styles of shoe that make it safer / help avoid being bitten by snakes if the worst case scenario were to happen? Obviously I would be trying to avoid stepping on any at all, or even getting close to them, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
I know it’s supposed to be safer to walk in the woods when it’s winter / colder, but that also means the trees don’t have leaves, so I can’t identify as many very easily. Usually I learn how to recognize plants in winter by first repeatedly finding the same individual during different seasons so I can see what it looks like with leaves, without, and with the leaves budding.
Any shoes I did look into getting would have to be padded pretty well, since I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and standing or walking for a few hours straight makes my feet start to kill me.
Any suggestions? Good styles or brands? Tips for avoiding stepping on snakes besides “watch where you’re walking”? (and half the time I’m already looking at the ground where I plan to step so I don’t step on fire ants, and to look for partridgeberries)
Update November 3rd 2022: I now own a pair of steel-tied leather work boots, and a pair of neon orange snake gaiters I got for $20 on ebay (they’re normally $80!). So I’d say I’m all set :) Thank you everyone for all your help!