Can't save photos from iOS app

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): iOS

App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About): 3.1

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : N/A

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages: N/A

Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices: N/A

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.): It isn’t possible to save a photo from one of your iNat observations to your phone. I mostly use the app to upload observations, but I constantly want to save photos from iNat to my phone so that I can use them for SMS or Instagram, etc.

Step 1: Open iNat app and click on “Me”

Step 2: Open an observation

Step 3: Tap on one of the photos to open it

Step 4: Tap and hold on the image

Expected behavior: iOS should pop up options to “Share”, “Add to Photos”, or “Copy” (as it does when you use the website from your iPhone).

Actual behavior: Nothing happens.

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Has this been a feature of the iOS app in the past? I don’t think this has been designed into the app, so it wouldn’t be a bug. But I’m less familiar with iOS than Android (where it’s common for apps to lack this feature).

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Yeah, I’ve never been able to save an image from the app using the tap and hold method.

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As far as:

Is it not saving the photos you take with the app to your camera roll automatically? or are you referring to wanting local copies of photos from observations you uploaded on the iNat website?

yeah I don’t believe this is a function of the app

Use the upload button in the top right corner to save.

It is possible by using the share button to whatapp, teams, outlook, Airdrop, Berichten, SMS, email.
And beneath a kind of copy.

But this behavior is not present in Safari, en whateb.

It is possible by using the share button to whatapp, teams, outlook, Airdrop, Berichten, SMS, email.
And beneath a kind of copy

That shares the observation, not the photo.

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Not that I know of, but it’s pretty standard on iOS for you to be able to save images you are viewing to your Photos app. Should I move this to Feature Requests?

Sure, you can submit feature requests at the top right of this page:

It would be good to know

since I believe that would be a bug.

What about taking a screenshot of the photo you want to use elsewhere?

It may not be as high a resolution as the original due to downsampling, but may still be okay for sharing online.

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What about taking a screenshot of the photo you want to use elsewhere?

It may not be as high a resolution as the original due to downsampling, but may still be okay for sharing online.

That’s what I usually do currently.

Thanks! Request is live here:

see associated feature request: