Category Filters in ID-Module on/off give different results

Platform: Website

Browser: FF, Chrome, Edge, Duck

Description of problem :
Step 1: Go to the ID-Module

Step 2: Select a region (and maybe an observer to lower the number of results). Do not set any filters for the 12 species categories

Step 3: Mark all observations as checked till nothing is left

Step 4: Retake the same filter add all 12 species categories and search again

Result: you will get unmarked observations

Expected: as you marked everything before, there should be no results anymore

Do you have a specific set of parameters you used? I just tested a random one and did not replicate this issue.

Do you use “skip to next page” or “view more unreviewed” when you have finished a page?
If you do the former you will skip a page every time you click it.

If you have reviewed everything on page 1 of 10, and click “skip to next page”, all the observations are reloaded, meaning, the ones you marked as “reviewed” will no longer be displayed, as they no longer match your filters.
That causes all other observations to move forward.
In this example, iNat would then put you on page 2 of 9 of that new list of observations (which would show page 3 of 10 of the original list). All the observations on page 1 of 9 (2 of 10 originally) will be skipped.


I used the namib desert and I tried with south Africa and some user I forgot

I don’t see any more new pages.
so what I did:

  1. go through the observation I can contribute to
  2. mark all observation on a certain page as “observed”
  3. click on the next page and start over with step 1
  4. when I do that on a longer result list, let’s say for example 100 pages with 30 observations each, during going through the pages the number of the last page decreases over time, I think it is due to other people working (mainly) on the newest observations. When I reached the last page, or a text like “no more observations found” was displayed, I tried to start the search with the same filters again => no more results found. But if I tick all 12 categories, I get some observations displayed (I am using German, so I don’t have the exact textes displayed in English, but I can recheck if it is helpful for you)
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