Change overall account locale

I have the same issue as this now-closed topic: I think this is probably best described as a bug or a feature request, but maybe I’m just missing something.

Basically, I have no idea why my locale is set to Oregon. I am from Oregon, started my account while there, and probably have most of my observations there, but haven’t lived there for about 6 years. My locale for preferred common names is not Oregon (see below screenshot - but I only recently changed the English locale to English (PNW) from the more generic English, specifically to try to fix this this issue)

@tiwane seemed to suggest in that other thread that there was a way to change the overall account locale, but I don’t see that option anywhere. In the settings screenshotted below, the Language/Locale options don’t actually seem to enable the selection of specific locales - only general languages. Or at least the locales are limited - I believe for English the only options are English or English (UK). And the Default Search Place option shouldn’t affect this kind of thing. I played with that, anyway, and it didn’t change anything relevant (even the default filtration place, as you can see above).

I’ve also pretty much ruled out something like a browser locale setting, since I’ve just gotten a new computer with fresh installs that have never touched Oregon. As far as I can tell.

When I lived far away from the PNW I decided this didn’t bother me since it kept me connected to home! But now that I’m permanently in Washington, I’d love to have those invasive species notes etc. be a bit more relevant for me. I assume my locale is stuck somewhere in the backend from back when I started my account, and that there is actually no user-facing option to change that right now…?

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What happens if you enter a place as default search place (second screenshot)?

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Nothing (at least nothing in terms of the introduced species warning and default filter shown in the first screenshot). I believe in the other thread it was stated that that setting has a limited effect on a specific page

Other post’s user here.
Since then it’s still doing it. But sometimes when i study specific locale country by using the search filter it kinda works only there. But didn’t solve the original issue. Thank you.

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