Local Language Issues

My Local Language is Malayalam and Kerala (from India). But resent days some sp information showing in Hindi (Another Indian Language) How its happening? How to fix this ? Local Language is only need to see to preferred peoples only na!

Link - https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/14593-Pycnonotus-cafer

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Go to your Account Settings:

  • what is your account’s Locale?
  • go to the Content and Display page. What do you see here?

Attaching the screenshot.

OK, I’d recommend adding Malalayam as a common name lexicon for your account. See https://help.inaturalist.org/en/support/solutions/articles/151000175913-how-to-view-multiple-common-names-at-once

What do you see after you do that?

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Its worked.
I think some one mistakenly added Hindi Language to Whole India Region. Like Europe We have multiple languages for each region https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_with_legal_status_in_India


Looking at the taxon history, it appears that someone added that Hindi name and linked it to India. Since your account preference is to see names linked to India, you saw the Hindi name. That name has since been deleted, although I don’t think that was necessary (it probably just needed to be unlinked from India) but that can be hashed out in a flag on the taxon.

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