Checklists for cultivated plants?

I’m just discovering checklists and was wondering if this is a mechanism that could be used to sort out cultivated vs. wild plants for particular locations. The specific use case I have in mind is a native plant garden I volunteer with that gets iNat observations from public visitors, both planted specimens as well as “weeds” that have volunteered. I have spreadsheets of what was planted there from being involved in garden management, but none of that is published data. Would a checklist be a good way to share that info to enable identifiers to determine if a plant observed at this location should be marked cultivated or not? Or would that be an inappropriate use of the checklist feature on iNat?

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It would be counterproductive since it would prevent some cultivated species from beeing reported as wild when seen in the wild for the first time.


I think it would take local experts to tell apart species that can establish and others that can’t or haven’t yet.

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it takes specific knowledge to know where a species is often cultivated and stays there, or is cultivated and is spreading out wild, or is rarely cultivated but often wild, or exclusively wild or natively wild.
if you work with local specialists, sure, but you should be aware there are always odd exceptions.


Yes, the bee thread is the one that got me curious about these checklists! It’s something that has escaped my attention so far. I’m sure there are lists for plants as well but I haven’t had much time to investigate further yet.

I should probably point out that the list I have in mind would be for a specific place that is a public park/botanical garden type setting, where it is notoriously difficult to determine what was planted and what not without any insider information. I happen to have access to lists of plants that were purchased and planted in that location. So far, I have used this knowledge to occasionally go through observations for this place and mark things cultivated but I thought it would be nice if I could share my insider info somehow.


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