Platform (Website):
Browser, (Chrome) :
lizziepop suggested an ID of Hymenagaricus with a note
Hymenagaricus nigrovinosus
as this species was not in the dictionary.
I used the external provider to upload
Hymenagaricus nigrovinosus
and saved.
At first iNat said that I disagreed with the genus Hymenagaricus - and when I checked the species was parented to “Life” which made sense.
When I refreshed, it removed my disagreement, having regrafted the species to the correct genus, but kept the “Maverick” status.
Some 15 minutes later I was still a maverick, and the community ID was Agaricales - instead of the Hymenagaricus (genus) that I expected, and the reasoning can perhaps be seen on the About - where although everything scores 1, the ID is not to the lowest level of 2 IDs with 2/3 agreements.
Not a serious bug, but suggestive of an issue somewhere. I presume it will refresh properly when anyone adds another ID.