Computer vision displays inactive taxon (taxon change occurred after training data exported)

I just noticed that the CV was suggesting Musculium transversum, even though that taxon is now considered inactive:

It suggests Musculium transversum on Sphaerium transversum observations. Also, S. transversum isn’t in the current computer vision model.

I believe this is partially due to the delay in the 2.15 model coming out. It was trained on data from before transversum was split from Musculium.

I’m not sure if this is exactly solvable until the next CV model comes out but can’t the CV instead use its knowledge of M. transversum to identify S. transversum instead? As in, replace M. transversum with S. transversum in its suggestions?


This is correct from what I’ve heard from staff about other similar cases. So I don’t think it’s exactly a bug. I suppose it would be a feature request to have the CV check whether suggestions are inactive? That’s maybe easier than suggesting the new name?

Although if you select the inactive name, does it populate with the replacement?


There were already supposed to be measures in place for inactive taxa to be “mapped” onto the new taxon in computer vision from one to one swaps I believe, so I clarified the title a bit and do think it might be a bug.


I just checked, yes it does replace it with the correct name automatically. Odd how it still displays it as Musculium transversum in the suggestions


Thanks for pointing this out. Indeed there is a process to inform the CV results about taxon changes and map inactive taxa to their currently active replacements. There was a bug in that process where not all taxa associated with taxon changes were getting replaced. That has been fixed, the mapping data has been updated on its regular schedule, and the results should now properly be recommending S. transversum instead of M. transversum.

This generation of this mapping data for the released model runs regularly, so expect that for any future taxon changes they should be reflected in CV results within an hour. If that is not the case, then that is a bug and worth looking into, like this was. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention.


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