'Create a New Taxon' does not work

Being a new curator I need some help please

I have started resolving this flag and can not proceed.


(1) I have created the genus Laodice in the tribe Charaxini

(2) Now I am stuck with the next step:
On the Create a New Taxon - page I can not create the required children (Laodice lycurgus; Laodice doubledayi; Laodice mycerina; Laodice porthos and Laodice zelica)
The system does not find the parent ID.

Can a senior curator please try and create these children?

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It looks like the text suggestions don’t bring up the one you’re looking for, so you can put the taxon ID into the parent ID box.

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Does not bring up any suggestions

Well it doesn’t fill in the name because the whole point of the name is filling in the number. If you save it, it will work.


That does the trick indeed - thank you!