Since I want to give this message board a try anyway, I am posting one of my top requests. I know there are significant admin/coding challenges to this one, but i think it’s worth having on the list.
Students using inat often provide low quality or problematic observations - not because they are often young or inexperienced, but because they are assigned to use the site and thus many aren’t as motivated to be a part of the community as other users. They also sometimes agree with each other’s IDs inappropriately especially when part of the assignment is to attain research grade. These are the so called ‘duress users’ and while a small number have ended up important and valued long-term community members, most leave the assigned number of observations and then quit without ever fixing or curating their data.
It would be awesome to have a different sort of account for these students. Possible options:
- Students can not add IDs to other students or else they do not count to research grade
- Student accounts could be filterable so users could either ignore them or help specificially wih those IDs as desired
- Students should not be able to override community ID
- Students could automatically add to a collection project for their class, with teacher accounts getting all the notifications and maybe a special dashboard
- Students who want to become part of the iNat community could somehow ‘graduate’ if they ask and have their account converted to a normal one
I know there’s lots to this request posted in the Google Groups and others may add more. I just wanted to throw this out here so we had something to discuss