Curator Applications Going Through?

Last year, I applied to be a curator before an issue with applications going through was resolved, and I never received an email reply.

I applied again around a week ago and have not received any confirmation that the application was submitted or reviewed.

Could this be a recurring issue?

Many thanks,

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Email or message @tiwane (Tony is the staff member that usually responds to iNaturalist support emails and curator applications)

But it might be a good idea to wait for a few more days.

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At one point, I thought Tony approved my application, but I got busy with a new job and never worried about following up. I’m sure the staff is very busy keeping the site running.

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Sorry about that, I’ve been working on other things. Am going through applications now and applications are going through.


All good and no rush! I just wanted to check since I wasn’t sure if a confirmation email was supposed to come through when submitted, and there have been issues in the past.

Thanks for keeping the site up and running!


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