Curator question mark icon links to blank search page

Platform: Website

Browser: Brave

URLs of any relevant observations or pages:

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem:

Step 1: Open up a curator page, and click on the question mark icon next to “curator”. E.g.

Step 2: The question mark originally lead to (archive). The page told you who curators were. But the website as of late redirects the help page to /en/support/home/.

Step 3: You end up with, which doesn’t lead to any answers about what curators are since the URI fragment isn’t useful at the endpoint.

Perhaps the solution is to either link that icon to:

  1. Here:
  2. or here:

I see this too.

Wow, it seems to select the correct language…

Made a github issue here:

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Great—I should just refer to GitHub if I find similar issues in the future. And your summary is much more succinct. XD

I only made the issue after you brought it up here, so thanks for doing bringing it to our attention.