Does anyone use the Share option for quotes?

I’ve forever had a nervous tic of selecting and deselecting text on web pages as I read (I know I’m not the only one! I’ve seen at least one other person do it in my freshman dorm in college! :grinning:)

On the forum, this means I often accidentally trigger one of the Share buttons for quotes, which then opens up an email or Twitter/X when I don’t want it to do that.

Does anyone actually use the Share option here? If so, I’m happy to keep them and maybe just learn to better control myself, but if not I’d like to remove them. Please just say whether you use them or not and care about their existence, I don’t want this to become a discussion about X/Twitter, or other platforms. Thanks!


Never used and can’t imagine a situation where I would.


Never used. Not going to.
It would also make life simpler for actively using the Quote option.

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I only use the quote functionality, which is nice.

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Never used, only use quoting which works very well I think.


I only use quote, and just now decided to use uBlock to disable Share, so it’s already gone for me. :sweat_smile:


Edit: for anyone interested, add to the My filters list in uBlock.

(And I know another person who highlights, there are definitely more of you!)

I’ve never used it nor expect to.

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I’ve never used it, and can’t imagine I would.

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I never knew what it was for.


OK, those should be gone now. Thanks for the feedback, all!


I’m glad to hear it’s not just me! :sweat_smile: I do this all the time, and while it’s mostly fine, there are a few sites where doing this messes things up.

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