Hi iNat,
A number of members of the Australasian Fishes project have informed me that they are no longer receiving notifications and daily updates. These members are from both Australia and New Zealand. The problem started on around the 18th Oct. Is there a backlog somewhere?
Thank you,
Yes, a user just wrote in to help@inat about this, we’re taking a look. If you can send me a few usernames of folks who haven’t been getting emails, that’d be helpful as well.
Thank you Tony.
Here are some user names jeffwj amandahay kendallclements
How did your elasmobranch talk go? My iNat talk in Canberra went over well.
I haven’t been receiving the email notifications too.
Thanks for letting us know brennafarrell. Looks like the problem is pretty widespread.
I started to get them again 24 hours ago…
The only bug we’ve found so far affects the daily updates email when one of your updates was about a change in project curators for a project you follow. I’m pretty sure we fixed that bug today so hopefully these emails will go out this evening.
Thank you so much kueda. Much appreciated.
Quick question, but did part of the email notification bug fix also end up re-subscribing users to the update emails? I got one half an hour ago and I opted out of daily email notifications my account a couple years ago. I’ll fix it on the user settings on my end, but other people who opted out before might get confused with being re-subscribed.
Nope, to my knowledge we didn’t mess with anyone’s email settings. If that happens to anyone else, please don’t update your settings before letting us know so we can investigate.
I still haven’t received any emails.
Same here. Still no notifications coming through for Australian and NZ users. @kueda
After looking into this yesterday, adding a bunch of logging, and banging my head against the wall and other objects of adequate heft (desk, door, mounting sense of inadequacy), I finally realized that the jobs that failed to deliver emails due to the original bug in this thread were sticking around in the database and were preventing new email delivery jobs from being queued for affected users. I cleared out those old jobs and made a change that should prevent this from happening in the future, so in theory, you all should receive emails tomorrow.
I’ve received the email yesterday and today. Thanks!
Thanks for fixing this problem Ken. Users in Australia and New Zealand have let me know that they are back up and running.
@kueda The daily notifications for Austalian and New Zealand users is down again. Maybe for up to a week.
My email notifications (Australia) stopped maybe a week ago. All options to receive notifications were and are still turned on in my account settings.
But magically worked late last night Oz east coast daylight saving time. Thanks!
After several attempts to fix this, we got these working again Wednesday night. As far as I can tell, deliveries went out last night too, so if you’re still not receiving them, maybe check the ol’ spam folder.
Thank you. Problem solved, I’ve received an update. :)