Exclude more than one taxon with the search filter

Often users tend to photograph and post the most common taxa or the most showy ones of a given genus. Thus, in many cases, searching for the less commonly observed taxa could turn out to be relatively time consuming.

The possibility to exclude more than one taxon (e.g. the most commonly posted on iNat) with the search filter could allow to save time.

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This is already possible using the search filters. For example, a link to identify plants in the genus Fumaria, but excluding those already identified as Fumaria capreolata or Fumaria officinalis: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=53787&without_taxon_id=57852,53785

There is an open request to add this capability to the user interface, rather than requiring manually editing the URLs. You can vote on that here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/exclude-certain-taxa-in-identify-user-interface/3232

Thank you but I think that someone could find useful to do this with an interface rather than modifying the url

There is an open request to add this capability to the user interface, rather than requiring manually editing the URLs. You can vote on that here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/exclude-certain-taxa-in-identify-user-interface/3232

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