Explore in app vs. view all in website

I rely on going from app to hitting View All in the website to see other local observations when I’m trying to confirm my IDs. I like that next has something like that option in the app. I haven’t yet explored how that works when I’m in the woods with no internet. But a few comments.

  1. I find the text on top of the images interferes with my ability to see what I’m looking at, even though the images in Next are larger than in view all on the website.

  2. I also prefer the view with more images, so I can more efficiently scan through for observations to look at for comparison. Could there be an option to make the number of observations shown large.

  3. I REALLY miss the icons for the observers. I have learned to search for the icons of local experts and then go to their observations first.

  4. I haven’t yet explored if there are options for filtering by month, research grade etc.

  5. the color scheme for research grade may not be good for people who are color blind but I have a hard time picking out the research grade observations as easily without it.

View all on website.

It looks really different in Next


I totally agree on all of these points, especially the first one and the last one. To answer the second to last point, yes, there is a way to filter out user(s), location, causal/needs ID/research grade observations, date, and project.

The text over the picture makes it extremely difficult to scan the images along with the current ID of the observation and to add color and make the research grades icon bold instead of transparent for the grades of the observations on iNaturalist Next to help distinguish between the different levels of the research grades.


I don’t use the app, but just looking at the screenshot above, I find the text over the images distracting and frustrating. It makes the text harder for me to read and more difficult to use the images. I’d prefer wider spacing (text not on images) and fewer images that I could use more effectively.

Maybe if there was only one line of text it might be ok, but some of the images are half covered by text and icons.


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