Cannot see all observations in a project, no option to load more

I use the website on my cell phone, don’t have a suitable desktop. I cannot scroll past maybe a couple hundred observations before reaching the bottom of the page and there is no option to see anymore observations. I frequent the project “Springtails from around the world” specifically.

Am I missing something? Why can’t I see past a couple days worth of observations? This is very inconvenient as an identifier as you may imagine ;) Any help is very appreciated!

Hi @ryneboi, welcome to the iNat Forum. Screenshots and URLs are helpful to explain issues you are running into.

If you are making identifications, I’d highly recommend using the Identify page instead: (quick tutorial here)

Collection projects like the one you mention have only ever shown the latest couple hundred observations. If you click “View all” or “Search” you can view all the observations in a project.


Or if you just want to see springtail observations just start typing in springtails in the main website search and click “View observations”:


Thank you so much!!

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