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Logging out and Explore, filter for Southern Africa, this is what I get.
do a hard refresh of the page using Ctrl+F5. do you still see the same thing?
restart your machine and browser. do you still see the same thing?
clear cookies and history. do you still see the same thing?
try a different browser. do you still see the same thing?
It never shows when things already are RG, but now it’s even worse, for me it shows things uploaded yesterday as newest, it’s clearly related to amount of observations.
I agree these issues might be related, but the result is that I am unable to see new observations uploaded when logged in. I only see observations submitted 20 Jan 2022 08:32 local time and prior to this.
Sorry - this was a side effect of a recent API update. Data was getting cached, but the cache was not expiring as intended. Hopefully data will refresh as usual again