Extra results in export: New example of old problems

[Website, attempted via Chrome and Safari with same results]

I previously discussed export problems in the thread “Export observations not returning results”. That bug was fixed but there have continued to be others. Mostly things I can work around, with some aggravation. I’ve decided to provide the latest as an example – I hope you can figure out what is going on with it: when I pass this URL over to export with the Download" link, it should generate 827 results but instead gives 835. A small difference but just plain puzzling!


In short, I have restricted my result set by both including and excluding taxa, by selecting a date range, by specifying a location with coordinates, and with a few other tweaks like photos true, reviewed false.

Some exclusion criterion is not working giving 8 extra results. In the past I have gotten thousands of extra results – sometimes I can tell which criterion isn’t working (like inability to restrict date to months, for one) but other times like this I just don’t know.

what is the list of IDs that gets generated in the CSV with 835 observations? (or alternatively, what are the IDs of the 8 additional observations in the CSV?)

The eight aberrant results are these:

30837354 Megacyllene robiniae
59179898 Megacyllene robiniae
93765375 Megacyllene robiniae
167259336 Agrotis ipsilon
225298076 Tetraopes tetrophthalmus
229092132 Tetraopes tetrophthalmus
229092144 Tetraopes tetrophthalmus
230856894 Tetraopes tetrophthalmus

And, aha, now I know what’s up with them. They’re all members of excluded taxa (without_taxon_id=47336,319102,50265,81952,82113,122224,123834,83802). However, the first item in the exclusion list (47336, i.e. Formicidae) is recognized, because there are 31 ant observations that could show up in this set but don’t. So, unlike the standard search, the export is only accepting one value for without_taxon_id.

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I let our developers know about this.