Favorite iNat profile picture

There’s also a Santa in a Santa suit - disconcerts me when the malls are not doing Christmas.

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See what you like and evolve, but please don’t feel shame.

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I’m a total paleontology nerd, so when I first made my account, I really wanted to use a good piece of paleoart - there’s a lot of really good stuff out there. But, of course, I felt a sense of guilt at the idea of using someone else’s work as my profile, no matter how well I credited it.
Within my first month or so on iNat I stumbled upon this beautifully lush hill teeming with clubmosses, tiny shade-growing plants, and lichen-encrusted rocks. At the end of my mini-spree there, I got down on the ground of soft clubmosses and took the wide picture that is now and has since been my profile.
I’d been aware of the hill for a few years and I still visit it regularly, as there’s a lot of cool stuff to be found there.


Maybe not… it might be such a Rohrschach test vibe… I see spider because that is what I am primed for, but it is still off :laughing:

Don’t get me wrong, I also kind of like the simplicity of that avatar👍

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Missing the joke probably, but aren’t they supposed to be Salticidae eyes as viewed from the front? I get that they have 8 eyes, but the other 4 on the sides/back aren’t as prominent.


That profile pic has a double meaning :grin:

It works best if you put the accent on the wrong syllable.

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Welp. I looked back to see what you guys are talking about and now I’m angry.

Regardless, in the interest of on-topicness… I kind of wish I had it in me to have a silly nature photo? But I’m always very self conscious of how I look, and while I’m generally happy with looks after putting on a full face of makeup and dressing up, I also tend to look like a sunburnt toad when I’m out in the woods (I’m pale. I don’t tan, I just get progressively redder. My eyebrows blend in with my skin. its not a good look.)

And unfortunately, we live in a society, and I’m constantly (probably unrealistically) worried about what kind of comments I would get by daring to be an imperfect woman online.

So I dunno.

I do enjoy my cute mushroom, I guess?


If they are talking about your appearance in THIS venue, they are definitely making inappropriate comments.

(I’m always a bit annoyed that I have an appearance. People seem to have such silly expectations about it. I blame it on watching too many movies. LOL!)


I found it, not plady but platy

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Everytime I see robotpie‘s Rubber Ducky the old Sesame Street song sung by Ernie crawls in my ear…and stays way too long…
Rubber Ducky, you’re the one…:notes:
You make bathtime so much fun….:notes::notes::notes:

I like this one. A bit ‘Silence of the Lambs’ but in a good way. https://uk.inaturalist.org/people/catbaker81


I love this photo showing the pleasure found in the natural world. @cheryl394
I saw that she lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which we visit every winter. I contacted her through iN and we met and went out several times photographing insects and lighting for moths. She is every bit as joyful as her photo!


Amen! I have brought this up before as well. However, I have found some work-arounds to judge the level of expertise of an identifier.

I laughed out loud as well about the third one. What a great sense of humour!

pizzamurderer has maybe both my favorite username and profile pic.


Great “name” on the profile, too.


@tiwane’s comment reminded me of @creosotelover’s profile, which is very consistent in fondness of this species, I think?


Creo certainly does seem to be. You can always ask sote, but I think we know what the expected answer is.

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