Filter by favorites?

The help site states that you can sort observations in explore by “Faves” using an option in Filters, but I don’t see any such option, or am I blind? Is there a way to list only observations that are faved by me or others?

this filter orders the observations by most favourited (in theory it does; in practice I find this filter to be quite buggy/unreliable), but you’ll also see unfavourited observations after the favourited ones


&order_by=votes in the URL is the equivalent of this in the Explore page filter menu:

by you:

also see: (and


Thanks guys! I guess I wasn’t looking close enough.

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one thing about sorting by faves: i don’t think the system is technically sorting by faves exactly. it’s really sorting by votes, which includes faves but also other things. so i’m not sure what you’re planning to do with the sorting on faves, but it might just be something to be aware of, in case you notice unexpected behavior when applying that sort.