in case anyone is interested, i extracted the list of favorited observation IDs using Power Automate Desktop (built into Windows 11). below is the flow definition that i used. to add this into your own instance of Power Automate Desktop, you could create your own blank flow and then just copy and paste the code below into your flow.
Display.InputDialog Title: $'''User ID''' Message: $'''Input an iNaturalist User ID''' DefaultValue: $'''kueda''' InputType: Display.InputType.SingleLine IsTopMost: True UserInput=> UserInput ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed
WebAutomation.LaunchEdge.LaunchEdge Url: $'''''' WindowState: WebAutomation.BrowserWindowState.Normal ClearCache: False ClearCookies: False Timeout: 60 BrowserInstance=> Browser
WebAutomation.ExtractData.ExtractListUsingPagingFromAllPages BrowserInstance: Browser Control: $'''html > body > div:eq(0) > div:eq(1) > div > div:eq(1) > div > div:eq(1) > div''' ExtractionParameters: {[$'''div:eq(1) > div > a:eq(0)''', $'''Href''', $''''''] } UsePhysicalClick: False PagerCssSelector: $'''div[id=\"wrapper\"] > div > div:eq(1) > div > div:eq(2) > a[class=\"next_page\"], html > body > div:eq(0) > div:eq(1) > div > div:eq(1) > div > div:eq(2) > a[class=\"next_page\"]''' PostProcessData: False TimeoutInSeconds: 60 ExtractedData=> DataFromWebPage
Variables.CreateNewList List=> listOuput
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN DataFromWebPage
Text.GetSubtext.GetSubtextFrom Text: CurrentItem CharacterPosition: 41 Subtext=> Subtext
Variables.AddItemToList Item: Subtext List: listOuput
Text.JoinText.JoinWithCustomDelimiter List: listOuput CustomDelimiter: $''',''' Result=> JoinedText
Clipboard.SetText Text: JoinedText
WebAutomation.CloseWebBrowser BrowserInstance: Browser
Display.ShowMessageDialog.ShowMessage Title: $'''Done''' Message: $'''Copied comma-separated list of favorited observation IDs to Clipboard!''' Icon: Display.Icon.None Buttons: Display.Buttons.OK DefaultButton: Display.DefaultButton.Button1 IsTopMost: False ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed2