Filtering by both "Visually similar" and genus leads to odd results

I was looking at the ‘visually similar’ filter in the suggestions tab on an unidentified bird. Results were as expected, a smattering of random vaguely similar bird species… then I decided to filter it further by genus, and this happened:

I tried it on a different bird observation, and got the same results when filtering by both visually similar and that genus. It also seems to happen with several other genera also within the Family Fringillidae. I haven’t checked all genera within that family but so far they’ve all come up with either “no suggestions” or show me fence lizards and poppies.

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This seems to be the same bug I reported here: No resolution yet. This example seems to confirm that it happens with “genus” level taxonomic restrictions, and not just for plants.

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Aha, definitely the same one. Didn’t see your post first, thanks. I’ll close this one and comment on the other thread.

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