I am seeking suggestions for how to set up a project that would collect observations of wood spalting. Unfortunately, spalting is not an organism but instead the wood-staining result of an action performed by a variety of fungi. Observations of the fungi are numerous, but it’s the resulting wood-coloration I am seeking to collect in a sort of gallery of example images.
I performed a filtered worldwide search including the words spalt and spalting and found only 10 observations currently saved to my Faves - and most are by users who recognize they’ve observed spalting, but who (like me) are not 100% certain of which fungus or fungi created the resulting wood-coloration. Thus, most are IDed as Fungi Including Lichens.
This is my question: Is it possible to filter Taxa to only those including the term spalt or spalting in the notes/description or tags? If not, does anyone have a suggestion for how to set the Terms & Rules for such a Project without every fungus growing on a wood substrate filtering into it?
I recognize I may set the rules to include the most common staining fungi (blue stain fungi, for example) and it will probably yield interesting results but images like those I linked above are less likely to be pulled into a Project unless the user added a descriptive tag regarding the spalting process.
Any suggestions will be appreciated – Thanks!