Find nearby unobserved species in iNat Next

I’m not sure whether this is already possible and I have yet to work it out. I am absolutely loving the new app; so much more functionality.

A way to view species I have yet to observe in the nearby area would be awesome. It appears there is already a function which shows which I have seen, but the ability to remove those like you can on the web to leave just unobserved species would be awesome!


Agreed, this would be great; the ability to search by species unobserved by me is something I miss about the web interface when using the Android app out in the field.


Have you tried the ‘easily missed’ page?

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While I wasn’t aware of that web app, and it is undoubtedly a really cool one, I am referring only to the new iNaturalist app, “iNaturalist Next”. I’m also talking about species I haven’t seen at all, not just in an area. Cheers for the resource though!

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