By the way i agree with @charlie : collabration or even integration with similar sites on national or regional levels would not only possibly boost inat’s reach in Germany but also benefit the conservation benefit potential of the site. naturgucker, lepiforum, kerbtier, blumeninschwaben (all .de) , etc. might if linked to on an inat observation help amateurs (like myself) improve upon their ID-skills. Most observers might be able to tell, that they found a coleoptera, but might not be able to be more specific than inats picture identification allows. a quick link in the manner of: " oh you found a coleoptera specimen! You might find out more about it here:". No disregard to borisb who does a lot of idenfying on coleoptera already, but being able to narrow down what an amateur sees before the expert helps might be of some interest and has educational value.
phew sorry for the rambling.
Regards again
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