Happy World Sparrow Day!

In honor of World Sparrow Day, (March 20) what is your favorite type of sparrow? And what are your favorite things about sparrows?


Probably my local song sparrow, I simply can’t get over how beautiful it is to hear there vocals in the early morning. One favorite that I haven’t seen yet is the Lark bunting, Doesn’t quite reach my location. My favorite things about sparrows (granted there not my favorite birds) Is there distinctive head patterns for both male and female birds, they really show how different species of similar birds have evolved around the world to look different.


The Rufous-collared Sparrow, because they are so common in Latin America, and they are found in all the ecosystems you go, always there close to you.


As I get it this day is about urband birds and House Sparrow first or it’s about buntings and NW sparrows too? If first, then Passer montanus, Tree Sparrow is the favourite of two we have, I like how both species’ males are singing, and how they have very intricate patterns on their heads and wings if you look very close.


My favourite part about sparrows is probably their subtle plumage differences, if you look at them closer they are quite unique. In other sparrow related things, I got my lifer American Tree Sparrow today! Lots of them and they were singing tons, must saw very skittish and hard to get photos though.


My favourite sparrow probably is the local indigenous species, the Cape Sparrow! Here’s a link to my observations of them.

I think the males are particularly handsome, especially for sparrows.


I love song sparrows and saw/heard my first one of the year on the 20th. His singing was comically bad so I’m guessing he’s less than a year old. He’ll nail it eventually! :bird: :notes:


Whoops, forgot to say my favorite! My favorite sparrow is probably the Rufus Crowned Sparrow, which I saw only a few times. My favorite thing about them is that you can find them anywhere, even urban areas.

Aww cute!

Yes, I love how easy female and male sparrows are to tell apart!

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The Song Sparrows, Eastern Towhees, and other sparrows in my area also share this characteristic; it’s probably also influenced by a literal loss/regrowth of brain cells! Check out this article: https://www.washington.edu/news/2014/09/23/dying-brain-cells-cue-new-brain-cells-to-grow-in-songbird/


In Poland we have P. domesticus domesticus; I love these birds, they are so graceful and inquisitive!

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I got my lifer Saltmarsh Sparrow yesterday. Perfect timing!


I like the LeConte’s Sparrow. I have only seen it once.

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Harris’s sparrow all the way!

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I really like the White crowned (Zonotrichia leucophrys) and Gold crowned (Zonotrichia atricapilla) sparrows. We had 2 white crowned parents raise their three babies in my backyard just last year, it was amazing to get to watch them grow up and learn to support themselves, eventually moving on from the area.
I also like the gold crowned sparrow because their songs are just beautiful, it is also nice to watch them forage in dew covered grass in the early morning.

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I personally love the Eurasian Tree Sparrow! Their ear patches are extremely cute, and I think it’s interesting how there’s so little dimorphism between males and females! They’re a very charming sparrow, and I hope to see one one day. :-) I also like White-throated Sparrows a lot. I was able to get pictures of some over the winter, and their yellow “eyebrows” are adorable.


I just love the name, Rufus Crowned. When I first heard it, I didn’t know the word rufus and assumed it was an insult (probably because it sounds like doofus). It was a few weeks before someone corrected me.


White-Throated Sparrow. They are uncommon ware I live, but my yard has been a hotspot for them in recent years, and last year we had three present for the whole winter! I also love their songs and the pattern on their heads.


I’m partial to towhees myself. Them and Harris sparrows.

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