Heads up: BioBlitz happening tomorrow at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada campuses

Hello iNaturalist community!

Just a heads up that we have a BioBlitz happening on the Dalhousie (Nova Scotia, Canada) campuses (including Truro) tomorrow, Friday September 20th. We are excited to have a whole crew of new young naturalists contributing to the iNat community, not just tomorrow, but into their future.

As their instructors, we will be helping to curate the observations and will correct any issues as we see them. The vast majority of these students had never heard of iNaturalist before their tutorial and may never have looked closely at their natural environment before, so their ID skill level may be on the lower end.

To ensure good quality observations, their session leaders, TAs, and professors have been stressing the following:

  1. Indicate whether the organism is captive/cultivated
  2. Do not leave it as ‘unknown’ or just type a placeholder word
  3. Only ID down to your level of confidence (e.g. ‘vascular plant’)
  4. Take clear photos
  5. One observation per organism (with multiple angles to aid ID)
  6. Do not confirm IDs of others if you are not 100% confident in your skill level for that organism

The students are excited – hopefully we will get some great observations!

Warm regards from your fellow iNatter,



Thanks for being so conscientious of your students’ contributions! :+1:


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