Help me simplify a simple species list, please

I have been working on a simple list of total number of unique species seen in my yard to share with family members that are not on & not interested in using iNaturalist. However, to do so am having to search each order/superfamily/family. Is there any easier way to automatically get this data for number of unique species seen? (All are included in my Yard Survey project.)



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I think you can get that information on your dynamic lifelist:


This shows only those ID’d to species level.

i.e. doesnt count anything that only made it to Genus.

Yes, that’s what I was scrolling through, but I still had to filter for just what was seen in my yard and not in other locations. That’s what’s taking time.

Oh, you can define the area by clicking map, zooming to wherever you want, the hit the orange, “Redo search in map” Then hit the Species tab again.

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If you have it in a project you can export the observations also, and manipulate in Excel.

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The filter button, has “Project” criteria too, use that if your project is well defined

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it doesn’t look like the dynamic life list allows input of a project ID, but it does look like the underlying (undocumented) API endpoint can be used with a particular project ID:

you can try to parse through the results to see if you can get the data you need from it. even without doing any special coding or scripting, i think you should be able to get useable data from it.


i was going to modify something that i had previously created in Observable ( to allow you to handle project id, but it looks like Observable no longer allows free accounts to publish notebooks (and edits to existing notebooks) to share with the whole world – as of just a few days ago.

when i have some time, i might work on something outside of Observable that will provide an alternative interface to this API endpoint, but i don’t have the patience to work on it today (or probably any time in the next few weeks).

Thank you for your ideas and input, I appreciate it.
And, “free account?” I had not heard that paid accounts were available or give further functionality? Where can I find more info?

a paid Observable account, not a paid iNat account.

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