Last night I was uploading obs on my PC, when suddenly all of the observation panels got very tiny, so small that the text was difficult to read. I thought at first that I’d accidentally changed some setting, and just needed to figure out how to change back, or maybe switch to a new window. However, I couldn’t figure out a way to return to the old size, and when I opened other tabs and windows (ones I’d had up already and new ones), each now had the working area—images, text, maps, etc.—shrunken to what, for me, is an almost unusable size. I wondered if this was a design change, but it seemed a crazy one, and no one else has complained on the forums in the subsequent 11-12 hours. So did I in fact change some setting, and if so, does anyone know how to change it back? Or are other people also seeing everything in miniature on their PCs? (No change on my phone, by the way, and a reboot didn’t affect the issue on my PC). Help!
Would help to know what browser you’re using. But you likely changed the zoom setting.
I’m using Chrome. Do you know how I would change it back?
Does this happen across browsers? If not, what browser?
If you haven’t check the zoom level on your browser. Usually under the “View” menu.
I’m a mac user but I think pressing control and 0 should set it back to normal zoom.
(control and + or - to make bigger or smaller)
Check the View menu - ant choose “Actual Size”.
Control and 0 worked! Thanks so much, Paul (you too, @iorek, for being ready to help :))
Glad you solved your issue!! But just so you know, another way I have solved this is by going to the top right of the search bar and clicking reset under the little magnifying glass. (I use chrome)
One way that this often happens to me, is I have a mouse with a scroll wheel. If I am opening a window with ctrl-click, and if I knock the scroll wheel while holding down the ctrl key the zoom gets altered. Once I discovered what was causing it, I found that it is super handy (in addition to the Identify +|- and “open image in new window” options) for ultra-zooming into observation photos and back out again! Never works with blurry photos though, it only makes things worse on those.
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