How do I flag a private message or report a user?

The private messages window says the usual “you’ve never messaged this person before, ect. ect. ect, if it’s inappropriate, flag it below”. But then there’s no actual flag button. I went to the user’s profile, and there was no report button.

I tried searching the help section with no relevant results.

What am I supposed to do now?


Do you not have this option in response to a private message?

I don’t think there’s a way to flag a user, only their content.

Also: curators can’t see flags on private messages. I believe staff regularly check them, but you can also just email them if there is a serious problem.

Nope, that button’s completely hidden for me, it just shows “delete conversation,” and “privacy”, with no space in between!

so maybe this should be in bug reports


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Take a screenshot of the conversation and send an email to to report the conversation and user.

Hopefully they fix the missing flag button!


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