How do I observe a species for a list?

Can you clarify what you mean by “enter a taxon”? The taxon is already on the list, how would I enter it again?

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ok, sorry, seems to be a places checklist’s feature then.

That is what I’m kind of trying to do too with these birds.

I think he means when you create a new list, enter the Taxa you see each time by hand. Creating a list for species you’ve seen, not the ones you want to see.

the dynamic life list does provide a way to show unobserved species (for a particular place, compared against species observed by any user in that place). for example:

but if you want to compare against against a particular reference list of species, these days, you’ll probably have populate your own custom list of observed birds and compare your reference list against that.

or you could extract a list of species you’ve seen, extract your reference list, and compare the two lists (outside of the system). it wouldn’t be super difficult to write something that would do this. i’m probably not going to do this since lists are sort of antiquated at this point, but maybe someone else would be interested in doing this as a short coding project? (here are some relevant threads for anyone interested in going down this path:,, .)

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll think about it.

Thank you all for all the comments and suggestions, I’ll figure something out for the list. I won’t be active this summer, so I won’t see any further replies or comments.

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