How do you add another photo in Edit mode?

More than once I have returned to one of my observations to add an extra photo using Edit, and have lost all the original photos. I did it a couple of days ago (Empria, 28 May 2023) and it seemed simpler to delete the original and start again rather than try to add all the original photos back into the original observation. But that meant I lost an expert identification (though it was only to genus). Could someone give a step by step fool-proof guide to how you add extra photos after you have posted an observation, please? Or if there already is such a thing, could you point me to it?

There’s a little blank thumbnail image at the bottom of your photo in the record, next to the thumbnail for your single photo. Click on that and it will allow you to add a photo. At least that’s how it works if you’re using the computer (not cellphone app) version of iNat.

Note: on the web-based (computer) platform you don’t have to be in Edit mode to do what I describe.


In edit mode, click browse, select photos

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You’re using the website, correct? The website and the mobile apps have Edit modes for observations, so specifying which platform you’re using helps us provide the proper instructions.

That being said, @jnstuart and @bbk-htx have provided instructions for both methods of adding photos to an existing observation via the website. There’s also a video tutorial for the method jnstuart described, which is the most straightforward method.


Click on the Browse… and you will be able to select a photo from your files (You probably won’t see it next to the other photo, but it will show once you click on save observation).

But you can just click on the Screenshot 2024-02-01 113448 to add another photo.

Thanks very much all. Yes, I use the website version of iNaturalist so you have solved my problem.

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