How to add your dynamic lifelist to a regular list?

How do you add all the species you have seen into a custom lifelist from your dynamic life list?

Only adding them manually.

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That would take a little while since I have about 1,300 species.

You can export from your dynamic life list, then batch add to a new list. (Let me know if you want more detailed instructions.)

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Yes please explain.

From your dynamic lifelist page, choose Export.

If you only want species, you should restrict to leaf taxa.

I then opened the csv in Google Sheets and filtered for species (you can use whatever software you want):

Go to your lists page and start a new list. Then in the upper right, click “Add Batch”. Paste in some of your scientific names and click Add Taxa (the limit is 1000 at a time).

On the next page, some of the names won’t match automatically, so you’ll have to look them up and Add to List.

After you’ve matched the names, you can go back and do another batch of names.

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